VertigO (May 2015)
Quel développement durable pour le delta du Danube? Enquête à Pardina
Determining and taking into account local specificity, identifying all the issues at stake and fitting together different action scales are the main challenges we face when dealing with the issues of sustainable development in the Danube Delta, in general, and the Pardina Commune, in particular. The delta is obviously of great interest from an environmental, economic and social viewpoint. This area enjoys great biodiversity and its biological wealth may be accounted for by the importance of wetlands and the diversity of its waterfowl habitats. The current biosphere reserve status of the delta should guarantee the progressive reconstruction of this wealth that was lost due to past policies, which focused solely on agricultural productivity increase. Nonetheless, the current economic situation of the local population is a difficult one, as the delta inhabitants face numerous problems such as their isolation, current infrastructure modernization and transformation delays, unemployment rates on the rise and a generalized ageing trend. One of the objectives in terms of sustainable development in this area is to determine the right global strategy to reconcile respect for the biodiversity while insuring economic prosperity and decent living conditions.