Indian Dermatology Online Journal (Jan 2014)

Novel applications of Rituximab in dermatological disorders

  • Prasan R Bhandari,
  • Varadraj V Pai

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 3
pp. 250 – 259


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Rituximab is a monoclonal therapeutic anti-CD20 antibody that has been approved for use in lymphoma and rheumatoid arthritis. Over the past decade several reports based on case series and observational studies have recorded the benefits of rituximab in particular groups of dermatological patients. Off-label use of rituximab in many dermatological indications is not uncommon in many countries in the world. This article reviews the available data that may be of use to the practicing dermatologist. Because of its potential complications, paucity of clinical data, and cost considerations, rituximab is favoured only when standard systemic therapies fail or corticosteroids are absolutely contraindicated. Further research is required in this field.
