Taḥqīqāt-i Farhangī-i Īrān (Sep 2017)
Representation of generational relations from the perspective of fictional literature before and after the Islamic revolution
The main question of this research is that how generational relations patterns in Iranian family are represented in six novels chosen from two periods: before and after the Islamic revolution of Iran. This research also tracks the changes that have been occurred in novels in regard with narrating generational relations during this period. Therefore novels have been considered as interpreting elements that clarifies major social changes including generation relations within the family. So Qualitative content analysis technique is utilized for analyzing texts According to the theoretical framework in this research, three general concepts in regard with generational relations is afforded: generation agreement, generation difference and interaction simultaneously, and generation gap. In spite of diversity of views about generational relations, generation gap was the dominant represented pattern in both pre and post revolution novels. Religious gap and idealistic views of characters are the main reasons of the generation gap in pre revolution novels. Generation gap in this period is of an ideologist character and shows a departure from tradition that should be interpreted in terms of tradition-modernity confrontation. Nowadays mass media and information technologies have transformed generational relations. These elements are expected to decrease generation gap or at least diminish the intensity of challenge between successive generations; especially due to the fact that they provide a nonlinear interpretation of these relations. But generation gap is still the main pattern represented in post revolution novels.