Journal of Urban Society's Arts (Oct 2015)

Transformasi Sinkretisma Indonesia dan Karya Seni Islam

  • I Gede Arya Sucitra

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2
pp. 89 – 103


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Tulisan ini membahas aspek sosio-historis dan pencapaian kebudayaan pada masa peradaban seni (rupa) Hindu dan Islam di Indonesia, perkembangan terkini seni rupa kontemporer Islami, dan karya seni KH. M. Fuad Riyadi, seniman dan Kyai Kontemporer yang aktif sebagai pelaku kesenian dalam seni sastra, musik dan seni rupa. Karya seni selalu merupakan cerminan pengamatan serta perasaan dan pikiran pembuatnya. Karya seni terlahir dari proses pergulatan panjang yang kompleks atas berbagai unsur kebudayaan yang saling mempengaruhi. Pada tahapan ini terjadilah transformasi budaya melalui proses sinkretisasi yang membentuk tradisi seni di Indonesia sesuai dengan peranan unsur budaya terutama persentuhan dengan agama yang datang dari luar. Tulisan ini dikaji melalui studi sejarah, transformasi budaya dan estetika. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa karya seni yang diciptakan seniman tidak berdiri sendiri atas nafas tunggal konsep dan dogtrin agama namun sudah dielaborasi dengan kebutuhan budaya setempat serta local genius masyarakat yang ditempati. This paper is intended to discuss the socio-historical aspect and the cultural achievement of the civilization of Hinduism and Islamic fine art in Indonesia, the updated development of Islamic contemporary fine art, and the artwork of KH. M. Fuad Riyadi, artists and contemporary mufti who are active as art doers of literary art, music, and fine art. The artwork is always a reflection of the observations and feelings and thoughts of the author. The artwork was born by the long struggle of complex processes on various cultural elements which influenced to each other. At this stage there was a cultural transformation through the process of syncretization which formed a tradition of art in Indonesia in accordance with the role of cultural elements, especially the contiguity with the religion coming from the outside. This paper was analyzed through the historical study, cultural and aesthetics transformation. Based on the research it can be concluded that the artworks created by the artist do not stand alone based on the single breath of concept and religion doctrine but the ones which have been elaborated with the needs of the local culture and the local genius of that intended society.
