Education Inquiry (Nov 2024)
“I’ve never thought about it this way”: the process and positive implications of co-creation on teacher education about prevention of gender-based violence
The scientific literature has shown evidence of how, given the increase in gender violence at an early age, didactic materials on its prevention should be based on scientific evidence. However, how scientific evidence is built upon social impact and co-creation is not considered in education as much as it is in other disciplines. In the framework of the TeachXevidence project (101096234 ref), a co-creation process of didactic materials for primary and secondary education teachers was conducted to fill this gap. For this purpose, the communicative methodology has been followed, a Transnational Project Meeting and three teacher education pilot seminars that involved in dialogue 77 people in Spain and Portugal, both researchers, teachers and teacher trainers were implemented. Results show a) how materials were discussed and didactic built and b) the positive implications of such dialogue and co-creation on the awareness and reflection of teachers about the co-created didactic materials.