Data in Brief (Dec 2022)

Additive mixed modeling of impact of investment, labor, education and information technology on regional income disparity: An empirical analysis using the statistics Indonesia dataset

  • Regina Niken Wilantari,
  • Syafira Latifah,
  • Wahyu Wibowo,
  • Harun Al Azies

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 45
p. 108619


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The data that is the subject of the case study in this article is secondary data in the form of panel data. Data from the Statistics Indonesia database and Central Bureau of Statistics database of each province on Java Island (DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, DI. Yogyakarta, East Java, and Banten). This panel dataset consists of five research variables, namely a response variable which is the value of the income disparity index for each province in Java using the Williamson index calculation standard, and four predictor variables namely investment (GFCF), labor, the ICT Index, and education index of six provinces of Java Island, Indonesia during the period 2010 -2019.
