Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (Sep 2018)
Whitening function of Chinese traditional medicine formula via laser Doppler technology
Fair skins are traditionally viewed as beautiful in Eastern regions of the world, and whitening effect is therefore eternally pursued. The aim of this study was to evaluate the whitening effectiveness of a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formula using laser Doppler technology. In addition, a melanin and erythema meter (Mexameter MX18/MPA-9, Courage&Kahazaka) and VISIA facial imaging booth (VISIA-CR, Canfield) were used to establish parallel comparisons. Pre- and post-treatment results showed that the TCM formula exhibits the best skin whitening effect. This was followed in effectiveness by the vitamin C group. The negative control and blank groups showed no whitening effect. The obtained results indicated that skin micro-circulation was enhanced in the TCM formula group. Therefore,this method could provide sufficient nutritive substances to fibroblasts and collagen, which in turn remove cell metabolic waste and other harmful substances such as superoxide anion in a timely manner. This improves the overall health of skin cells.