Известия ТИНРО (Dec 2017)
Supplements to quantitative assessments of zooplankton in the Far Eastern Seas and adjacent waters of the North Pacific
An overview of published and new estimates of zooplankton density and biomass in the Far-Eastern Seas and North-West Pacific with their daily, seasonal and interannual dynamics is presented on the materials of numerous marine expeditions conducted by Pacific Fish. Res. Centre (TINRO) in the 1980-2010s. The mean annual concentration of zooplankton (103 ind./m3) in the epipelagic layer is amounted as 4.386 for the Bering Sea, 3.695 for the Okhotsk Sea, 6.842 for the Japan Sea, and 3.399 for the North-West Pacific, whereas its biomass (g/m3) - 1.079, 0.821, 0.626, and 0.800, respectively. Significant differences are shown for spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of the small-, medium- and large-sized zooplankton abundance and its daily vertical migrations in different areas. Zooplankton stocks in all these regions are evaluated as high; their bulks are formed by large-sized fraction. Interannual fluctuations of the zooplankton abundance could be considerable in certain areas, but its total resource within the Far Eastern basin does not change much: the abundance decline in some areas is compensated by its growth in other ones.