BMC Medical Genomics (Jun 2011)

Genome wide association study identifies <it>KCNMA1 </it>contributing to human obesity

  • Sørensen Thorkild IA,
  • Hebebrand Johannes,
  • Hansen Torben,
  • Pedersen Oluf,
  • Axelsson Tomas,
  • van't Hooft Ferdinand,
  • Czernichow Sébastien,
  • Dubern Beatrice,
  • Brodin David,
  • Hoffstedt Johan,
  • Arner Peter,
  • Jiao Hong,
  • Kere Juha,
  • Dahlman-Wright Karin,
  • Hamsten Anders,
  • Clement Karine,
  • Dahlman Ingrid

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 1
p. 51


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Abstract Background Recent genome-wide association (GWA) analyses have identified common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with obesity. However, the reported genetic variation in obesity explains only a minor fraction of the total genetic variation expected to be present in the population. Thus many genetic variants controlling obesity remain to be identified. The aim of this study was to use GWA followed by multiple stepwise validations to identify additional genes associated with obesity. Methods We performed a GWA analysis in 164 morbidly obese subjects (BMI:body mass index > 40 kg/m2) and 163 Swedish subjects (> 45 years) who had always been lean. The 700 SNPs displaying the strongest association with obesity in the GWA were analyzed in a second cohort comprising 460 morbidly obese subjects and 247 consistently lean Swedish adults. 23 SNPs remained significantly associated with obesity (nominal P Results Potassium channel, calcium activated, large conductance, subfamily M, alpha member (KCNMA1) rs2116830*G and BDNF rs988712*G were associated with obesity in five of six investigated case-control cohorts. In meta-analysis of 4838 obese and 5827 control subjects we obtained genome-wide significant allelic association with obesity for KCNMA1 rs2116830*G with P = 2.82 × 10-10 and an odds ratio (OR) based on cases vs controls of 1.26 [95% C.I. 1.12-1.41] and for BDNF rs988712*G with P = 5.2 × 10-17and an OR of 1.36 [95% C.I. 1.20-1.55]. KCNMA1 rs2116830*G was not associated with BMI in the population-based samples. Adipose tissue (P = 0.0001) and fat cell (P = 0.04) expression of KCNMA1 was increased in obesity. Conclusions We have identified KCNMA1 as a new susceptibility locus for obesity, and confirmed the association of the BDNF locus at the genome-wide significant level.