Anatomical Sciences Journal (Aug 2015)
Vitamin C Can Alter Lead-Induced Passive Avoidance Learning Impairment in Rats
Introduction: Lead (Pb) is a neurotoxin that its different effects on the central nervous system are well-known. Previous studies have reported the potent effects of vitamin C on memory.The present study was undertaken to evaluate the protective effects of vitamin C against leadinduced amnesia. Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: the control (saline), negative control (lead), positive control (Vitamin C, 150 mg/kg), and experimental (Lead+Vitamin C). To induce lead toxicity, the rats received water containing 0.2% Pb instead of regular water for 1 month. Passive avoidance learning was assessed by Shuttle Box 2 months later. Retention was tested 24 hours after training. Results: The results showed that lead causes impairment in acquisition and retrieval processes of passive avoidance learning and memory. However, vitamin C administration reinforced passive avoidance learning and memory. All results were significant (P<0.001). Conclusion: Vitamin C administration in rats counteracts the negative effect of lead on spatial learning and memory.