Ilha do Desterro (Jan 2016)
Gender identities in the funk movement: a critical explanatory study of Brazilian newspaper news
This article analyzes the designations chosen by the vehicles Tititi, R7 Site and Site G1 to represent the MC’s Xuxu, Transnitta and Banana Woman and the issues about trans people, sexuality and gender, generated on the basis of textual and discursive heterogeneity. My intention is to discuss how the journalistic media practices (both magazine and newspaper) designate, call and assign voices to MC’s, who are women trans gendered female bodies. I will analyze three news texts in the popular magazine Tititi and site R7 (Record Group) and site G1 (Rede Globo productions), which are part of a documentary corpus of body design in print and broadcast media: social vulnerability representations and diference in contemporary society. he data will be analyzed in the light of a transdisciplinary proposal that dialogues with the epistemological principles of critical discourse studies, especially the Anglo-Saxon proposal by Norman Fairclough (2001, 2003), Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999), and epistemological and ontological research on gender identities, sexuality and sex (LOURO, 2007; Butler, 2010, 2015; CESAR; 2014; BENTO, 2015th, BENTO, 2015b) and the debate on the body as a semiotic construct (LE BRETON, 2003 2010, 2014)