Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (Jun 2022)
Plants physiology in response to the saline stress interconnected effects
Global climatic changes pose pressure both upon plant growth and also on crop distribution. Romania is threatened by the increase of salinity areas, reason of which, this topic becomes a relevant need to deepen and adapt the strategies of crop choice on a regional scale for sustainable cropping systems. Plants provide a series of physiological responses. Therefore, this study aim is to project and analyze the main interest of interconnected effects studies about salinity and crops physiological responses to this abiotic stress. A synthesis of 99 articles based on Web of Science Core Collection from the last five years was selected. The topics assessed were “climat change” combined with “soil salinity” also “plant physiological response” combined with “salt soil”. The most intensive connected topics studied in the analyzed period were about abiotic stresses as restrictors of crop yield. Among stresses, drought was highlight and most researches promote various techniques regarding plant growth enhancement with obtaining salt tolerant plants. Future research trend should be placed around different principal valuable crops. Starting with plant metabolism and responses to saline stress, continuing with soil, water, gas emissions, microbiological applications, all impacted by high salt content represent an important area on future development of research.