Journal of Dentistry Indonesia (Nov 2015)

Reerupsi Spontan Gigi Insisif Tetap Sentral Atas Kiri dengan Apeks Terbuka yang Mengalami Intrusi (Laporan Kasus)

  • Gamaria Purnamawati,
  • Margaretha Suharsini,
  • Ismu Suharsono Suwelo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2


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Intrusion is a displacement of the tooth deeper into the alveolar socket accompanied by comminution or fracture of the alveolar socket following axis of the tooth. This case describe treatment of intrusion with open apex which obsercation until spontan eruption of the tooth. After 4 months, clinically, the intrusion tooth reeruption near incisal edge of adjacent tooth and radiographic showed lengthening the root of the tooth.