Gerión (Dec 2014)

"L. Cossonius L. f. Stell(atina tribu) Gallus Vecilius Crispinus Mansuanius Marcellinus Numisius Sabinus pro consule provinciae Sardiniae" and the "constitutio" of "Forum Traiani"

  • Attilio Mastino,
  • Raimondo Zucca

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 32, no. 0
pp. 199 – 223


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The study analyzes the career of clarissimus L. Cossonius Gallus developed between Domitian, Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian. In particular, we analyze the charges under Trajan, including, in 111 AD, the proconsul of Sardinia. In the same year the proconsul L. Cossonius Gallus by order of Trajan proceeded to constitutio of Forum Traiani in the center of Sardinia. Subsequently (113-115 AD) Cossonius became legatus Augusti in the provinciae of Galatia, Pisidia and Paphlagonia, was consul suffectus in 116 AD, and around 120AD legatus provinciae Iudeae.
