LingVaria (May 2024)

Kilka pytań o samotną matkę i samodzielną matkę i ich opis leksykograficzny

  • Katarzyna Dróżdż-Łuszczyk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 1(37)


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A FEW QUESTIONS ABOUT SAMOTNA MATKA AND SAMODZIELNA MATKA, AND THEIR LEXICOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION The author raises questions about how the terms samotna matka [single mother] and samodzielna matka [independent mother] are accounted for in a lexicographic description, whether they are considered discontinuous units, and what relationships exist between them. The author of the article presents corpus data that allows dating the appearance of the term samotna matka and the collocation samodzielna matka in Polish. The author comments on selected definitions of the adjective samotny (lonely). Then, she presents arguments in favour of recognising the combination samotna matka as a linguistic unit. Similar arguments were presented for the collocation samodzielna matka. The article also addresses issues of differences in valuation associated with the discussed collocations and indicates how a new collocation affects the meaning of the older unit.
