Опухоли женской репродуктивной системы (Sep 2021)

Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients with advanced forms of invasive cervical cancer and morphological features of their tumors

  • A. E. Protasova,
  • V. A. Lyashchenko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 2


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Due to the availability of effective primary prevention methods and screening strategies, cervical cancer is one of the pre-ventable malignancies. Death rates from cervical cancer remain high. Moreover, in most cases, the tumor is detected at advanced stages. It creates the problem of finding the reasons for the late primary diagnosis of invasive cervical cancer. The article discusses issues related to the characteristics of the main histological types of cervical cancer from the standpoint of the clinical, morphological and socio-demographic characteristics of the profiles of patients with advanced disease. The current understanding of the factors associated with late primary diagnosis of cervical cancer at advanced stages is highlighted.
