Pamiętnik Teatralny (Dec 2000)

Jerzego Grotowskiego doświadczenie Rosji: Rekonesans

  • Zbigniew Osiński

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 49, no. 1/4
pp. 284 – 315


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This article presents various aspects of Jerzy Grotowski’s attitude towards Russian culture, his contacts with Russians, and his experiences during the stays in the Soviet Union in 1955–1956 and in 1976. The author highlights the special role in Grotowski's contacts with Russian culture played by Ludwik Flaszen, who also translated the official correspondence of the Laboratory Theatre with the Russians. The article discusses in detail Grotowski's first scholarship stay in the Soviet Union: studies at the A. V. Lunacharski Russian Institute of Theatre Arts GITIS, interrupted by a two-month trip to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The significance of Grotowski's relationship with one of the GITiS lecturers, director and prominent pedagogue Yuri Zavadsky, is highlighted, as well as the development of Grotowski’s interest in Meyerhold during this period. The research is based on Polish and Russian articles published in periodicals, unpublished archival materials, including audio and video recordings and Grotowski’s correspondence with Yuriy Zavadsky and others, as well as Grotowski's conversations with the author.
