Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2024)
Formation of the System of Providing Users with Foreign Periodicals by V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in the Context of International Library Practice
The purpose of the article is to concise coverage and generalization of the main results of research on the use of licensed electronic journals, which were conducted and are currently being conducted in the Foreign Periodicals Reading Room (hereinafter RHFP) of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (hereinafter NBUV). Methodology of the research has been based on systemic and structural approaches, on methods of comparative, logical and source analysis, including interdisciplinary approach. Scientific novelty. The report considers number of imperative documents and normative legal measures of the EU, UN, UNESCO, IFLA, LIBER and WSIS which provide regulatory prescription of relations in the library industry. The history and priority directions for creation service system to meet users’ needs in foreign electronic journal documents, are covered. The consequences of the research and practice of electronic periodicals collection forming in the NBUV were analyzed. The main results of practical work and research on the use of foreign electronic review by users of the halls of periodical publications of NBUV have been presented. Conclusion. Standard and legal initiatives of EU, UN, UNESCO, IFLA, LIBER and WSIS are summed, the priority spheres of the national libraries are detrermined: satisfaction all layers’ of society informational needs; virtual is here to stay; data domination; a single, global collection; providing equal access to information and knowledge; modern trends and experience in supporting research; qualifications matter; protection of libraries at national and regional level; adaptation of libraries to local and situational conditions; targeting libraries to international standards and regulating documents. The article analyzes the new system of library and information services using the example of work of the RHFP of NBUV. Its main characteristics are: complex service to users with periodicals; expanding range of information services, the use of methods of personalization in service (customer-oriented).