EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning (Jul 2015)
The PoSE Project: the Potential of Technological Learning for Postural Education in Schoolchildren
Back pain in children and adolescents is quite common, so developing preventive strategies for back pain is highly desirable. This article describes a planned school-based postural education project (PoSE) to promote healthy behaviors among middle school students and their families and to moderate postural diseases. As first s tep, we e valuated which a spects of postural behaviors were integrated in children’s lifestyle through a questionnaire. Then, the educational program consisted of interactive lessons on back posture and good principles both in class and at home. A participatory approach was used to evaluate attempts to involve all who have a stake in outcomes in order to take action and effect change. The strength of the participatory approach used in this study lies in the contribution to empowerment social change.