Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses (Dec 2019)
La revue franco-catalane L’Instant : évolution d’un instrument de médiation culturelle / The French-Catalan Magazine L'Instant: Evolution of an Instrument for Cultural Mediation
In this article we study developments that underwent the magazine L'Instant, published in a first stage –from July 1918 to February 1919– in Paris, under the direction of the poet and critic Catalan Joan Pérez-Jorba. Between August and October 1919 goes to edit in Barcelona, by Joaquim Horta i Cunill. In this new stage both the purpose and the principles that will guide the magazine changed radically to become antagonistic of which resulted in the creation of the magazine. We also analyse the determining influence of Catalan socio-cultural reality of the moment in this evolution.