Fogorvosi Szemle (Sep 2018)
Diagnosis and treatment of odontomas in the maxillofacial surgery
Odontomas are one of the most common odontogenic tumors. In the WHO classification they are benign tumors, although nowadays they are considered to be hamartomas instead. The aim of the review is to summarize the information of the odontomas based on publications and books, which were released recently and in the last century. The exact etiology of the odontomas is unknown. There are several theories, which suggest that bacterial and viral infections, trauma, mutations and abnormal genes can lead to the formation of the odontomas. They are also seen in hereditary anomalies such as Gardner-, Hermann-, Gorlin-Goltz- and otodental syndromes. Odontomas are common in the second decade of life and they don’t show any gender predilections. There are several types of classifications of odontomas, the most common type is the WHO classification, which divides odontomas into two groups: compound and complex odontomas. Odontomas are asymptomatic, only tooth deformations, impaction, retention, swelling, asymmetry can suggest to its presence. They are usually diagnosed during X-ray examination, but the exact diagnosis can be told after histopathological examinations. The therapy of the odontomas is the surgical enucleation. It can be performed from ontraoral and extraoral approach. Modern techniques such as laser and ultrasurgery can be also used during the surgery. Complications are quite rare after the operation.