People and practices must be at the center of IT research and development in a digitized world
Koch Michael,
Müller Claudia,
Boll Susanne,
Wulf Volker,
Schmidt Albrecht
Koch Michael
543527Universität der Bundeswehr München Fakultät Für Informatik, Neubiberg, Germany
Müller Claudia
Universität Siegen Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Siegen, Germany
Boll Susanne
Department of Computing Science, Carl Von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg Fakultät II für Informatik Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften, Oldenburg, Germany
Wulf Volker
Universität Siegen Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Siegen, Germany
This article has been written as an attempt to partially answer a question we as HCI researchers often hear: What has HCI contributed to the practice of developing software – or: why do (complex) systems still often fall short of being usable? We are trying to frame the topic and list some problems, but also some upcoming solutions. As to be expected, the problem is not that there is no knowledge available about how to build usable systems, but the knowledge about the importance of this topic has not yet arrived everywhere in software development.