AIDS Research and Treatment (Jan 2011)
Strategic Framework for Increasing Accessibility and Utilization of Voluntary Counseling and Testing Services in Uganda
Despite the usefulness of VCT service as an entry point to prevention for the HIV-uninfected people and care, treatment and support for those who test HIV positive, VCT service remains poorly utilized among the fishing communities. The aim of the study was to identify factors influencing VCT service delivery and utilisation among fishing communities in Uganda and consequently, formulated a strategic framework for improving VCT service delivery and utilisation in the fishing communities. The study followed a 3-phased approach, collecting and analyzing quantitative data from Kasenyi fishing community under phase I, collecting and analyzing qualitative data from hospital managers and VCT counselors in phases II and III, respectively. Results indicate that VCT services delivery and utilisation is affected by factors at government (macro) level, the institution (meso) level, and at the individual (micro) level. Based on this, a strategic framework was designed, expected to increase VCT service availability, accessibility, and acceptability if applied. The researcher recommends the use of this useful tool in the design of VCT programs.