Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики (Dec 2019)
Communication strategies and tactics of epigrams of pejorative direction in the works of V. Gaft
In this article, the author analyzes the epigrams of the actor, the poet and writer V. Gaft from the standpoint of communicative linguistics. The epigram is considered as a special type of evaluative statement. In particular, a confrontational type of communication is considered, which is presented in two types of intentions – pejorative and derogative. Both pejorative and derogative intentions are aimed at conflicting communication, the difference between them is that pejorative intention contains censure or accusation of the addressee, and derogative intention refers to the aesthetic category of the ugly, focusing on neglect or contempt, while censuring or no conviction [9]. This article analyzes the epigrams of a pejorative orientation, which implement tactics of censure, hint, negative assessment, explicit and implicit criticism, as well as tactics of silence and threat. Examining the epigram from the standpoint of communicative linguistics allows us to identify the linguistic features of this satirical genre, focusing on such features as addressing. Two types of addressing are distinguished in addressed lyrics: general art and concrete. General addressing is implicit; it is aimed at the reader. Specific addressing is explicit, it is aimed at a specific addressee. This article discusses explicit communication and ways to discredit an explicit recipient. The use of the discrediting strategy is due to the specifics of the genre itself.