Pathos (Sep 2011)

Morfina intratecale a basse dosi versus dosi di conversione nel dolore da cancro - Lower intrathecal morphine soses versus conversione doses in cancer pain

  • Francesco Amato,
  • Roberto Siciliano,
  • Monica Loizzo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 2-3


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Advanced studies in cancer related pain have demonstrated that intrathecal administration of opioids has been much more effective than otherdrug-administrating routes.1-5 The most frequently used drug has been morphine which is the first opioid approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for intra-spinal use.6 Practical conversion rules for different morphine administrating routes were given by Foley et al (1985). Those doses and concentrations are now recommended as a starting dose guideline for the initial phase of treatment. Dosage indicators should be assessed and individualized based on patient response, analgesic requirements and side effects. Therefore, we are herewith presenting findings from a study regarding orphine doses compared to conversion doses (as per our algorithm) in chronic cancer pain during drug-administration by spinal route.
