Kējì Fǎxué Pínglùn (Jun 2005)

著作權法最新發展趨勢 Current Developments of Copyright

  • 蔡惠如 Huei-ju Tsai

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 1 – 62


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現代科技之發展日新月異,對於智慧財產權保護之關切日益增加,尤其是著作權法領域更因網際網路之衝擊而備受矚目,有論者形容著作權發展史等同於科技發展史,足見著作權法制與科技發展關係之密切,其中著作權人與公共領域間利益之衝突自始以來均為著作權法之重心,如何調和此二者並使現行法律規範合於數位時代之需求乃首要之務。 本文回顧 2003 年至2004 年間著作權法之發展趨勢,除介紹美國、歐盟及我國著作權法制最新立法方向之外,並針對著作權保護期間之延長、實質相似性之判斷、P2P 之紛爭、補償金制度、DMCA 之爭議、超鏈結、躍出式視窗網路廣告等課題,分析各著作權法相關案例之發展,以期建構著作權法領域之基本藍圖,嘗試合理劃分著作權人利益與公共領域利益之界線,使著作權法達成其最終目標:促進社會文化之發展。 The copyright law always keeps pace with the development of technology. Copyright owner’s interest and the public’s interest have been in tension since the origin of copyright. How to balance copyright owners against the public is the essential issue in the digital age. This article indicates the developments of copyright from 2003 to 2004. The topics include the recent legislature in the U.S.A, the European Union and Taiwan, and new cases about copyright term, substantial similarity, P2P filesharing, the levy system, challenges of DMCA, hyperlink and pop-up ads. This article is to strike a balance between copyright and the public domain for the purpose of copyright—to promote the progress of the culture and arts.
