Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação (Jul 2022)

Science capital

  • José Luís Ferraro,
  • Gabriela Sehnem Heck

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 3


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This paper presents a qualitative review of research on science capital considering 51 studies with topics related to this concept, between 2015 and 2021. In addition to the increase in research evidenced by the number of publications on the topic during this period, and the dominance of the United Kingdom in leading research in the area, we observed that topics associated to science capital vary from choosing careers in science, identifying with science and promoting a science culture, to the role of school in developing science capital and the ways to evaluate it. It is common for science engagement, associated to science capital, to be seen through the alignment of three important Bourdieusian concepts: capital, habitus and field. In this sense, due to the relevance that the topic has had in science research, we assert the importance of a systematic review that can provide an overview of current investigations involving science capital.
