Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Dec 2013)

日本學校治理模式之變遷及其評析:以學校理事會為例 Analyses and Changing Models of School Governance in Japan: School Council Cases

  • 林雍智 Yung-Chih Lin,
  • 吳清山 Ching-Shan Wu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 58, no. 4
pp. 103 – 131


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日本受近年教改思潮與歐美學校改革的影響,以及在政治上地方分權等運動的推波助瀾下,開始對僵化的學校制度與架構進行變革。改革過程中實際導入的方案,除對應教育分權的需求,將教育上的權力由中央下放至地方、再至學校外,受到最多探究的即是屬於學校治理模式的變遷議題。日本的學校治理經歷了一連串分權改革,如強化學校經營自主權、引進外部人士參與學校事務,甚至設立學校理事會等取得學校決策權之變革後,不但改變了學校權力結構,也讓既有的學校治理模式產生結構性改變。日本「學校治理」議題的討論,在我國尚不多見,值得探究。因此,為理解日本學校治理模式之變遷,實施現況及未來動向,以及對我國學校革新的參考,本研究首先分析日本學校治理與模式變遷,其次說明學校理事會之設立與構造,接著評析學校理事會治理模式之運作,最後提出日本學校治理模式案例對我國的啟示。 Because of the influence of educational reforms sweeping the western hemisphere and domestic political movements advocating governmental decentralization, the educational systems in Japan have been evolving for years. The most prominent change implemented in response to educational decentralization is the authority transfer, in which decision making power was transferred from the central government to county governments and, subsequently, to the schools. As a result, school management systems must be adapted to localization and decentralization movements, and the optimal operational models for schools have been extensively discussed. Numerous changes, such as strengthening the autonomy of school management, electing independents to the school board, and establishing school councils to replace traditional decision-making mechanisms, have fundamentally altered the power structures in schools. In contrast to the enthusiastic movements in Japan, the topic of school operation models has rarely been discussed in Taiwan. To address this gap, we investigated the governance history, current status of, and potential changes among Japanese schools. By analyzing the school governance evolution of Japan, the authors use the experiences of Japan to provide alternative options for school innovation in Taiwan. Therefore, this paper begins with an introduction to the concepts and changing models of school governance; subsequently, the conditions and frameworks of school councils in Japan are described, and school governance models and school council operation are analyzed. Finally, recommendations are provided for applying the educational changes implemented in Japan to the education system in Taiwan.
