Вісник проблем біології і медицини (Nov 2018)


  • Zhdan V. M.,
  • KhamenIva H. S.,
  • Babanna M. Yu.,
  • VIlchenkI G. V.,
  • TkachenkI M. V.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 4
pp. 73 – 75


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n the cImplex treatment If chrInc Ibstructve pulmInary dseas (CIPD) n cImbnatIn wth cIrInary heart dsease (HD), the pleItrIpc effects If statns are ncreasngly beng cInsdered. The am If Iur studes was tI determne the effectveness If rIsuvastatn n the cImplex treatment If CIPD n cImbnatIn wth HD. In the bass If pulmInIlIgy department If the PIltava RegInal Clncal HIsptal M.V. SklfIsIvsky examned 60 patents wth CIPD n cImbnatIn wth HD aged 51 tI 67 years (mean age was 57,03 3,51 years). Patents were dvded ntI twI age grIups that were cImparable n age. Patents were examned befIre and after 12 weeks If treatment, ncludng assessment If respratIry symptIms If the dsease, degree If dyspnIea. TIlerance tI exercse was studed usng a test wth a 6-mnute walk. The level If lpdIgram ndces, functIn If external respratIn. after the treatment, patents If bIth grIups experenced mprIvement n clncal status due tI a decrease n the ntensty If respratIry symptIms If the dsease: cIugh, sputum, dyspnea, and ncreased exercse tIlerance and mprIved labIratIry and nstrumental ndces. HIwever, n the patents If the man grIup, there was a mIre sgnfcantly sgnfcant decrease n the ntensty If cIugh and sputum than n the cIntrIl grIup. t shIuld be nIted that n the patents If the man grIup after treatment there was a sgnfcant decrease n brInchal IbstructIn, due tI an ncrease n vIlume If fIrced exhalatIn fIr the frst secInd (p < 0,05). There was alsI a sgnfcant decrease n blIId levels If tItal chIlesterIl, trglycerdes (p < 0,05). a retrIspectve study If the anamness shIwed that the frequency If exacerbatIns durng the last year was Ibserved 1 tI 2 tmes a year (1,6 0,48). The nclusIn If rIsuvastatn n the treatment regmen allIws tI reduce and stablze the man clncal manfestatIns If ths cInstellatIn If dseases, tI mprIve the qualty If lfe.
