European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Aug 2020)
Can a false vacuum bubble remove the singularity inside a black hole?
Abstract We investigate a regular black hole model with a de Sitter-like core at its center. This type of a black hole model with a false vacuum core was introduced with the hope of singularity-resolution and is a common feature shared by many regular black holes. In this paper, we examine this claim of a singularity-free black hole by employing the thin-shell formalism, and exploring its dynamics, within the Vaidya approximation. We find that during gravitational collapse, the shell necessarily moves along a space-like direction. More interestingly, during the evaporation phase, the shell and the outer apparent horizon approach each other but, unless the evaporation takes place very rapidly, the approaching tendency is too slow to avoid singularity-formation. This shows that albeit a false vacuum core may remove the singularity along the ingoing null direction, there still exists a singularity along the outgoing null direction, unless the evaporation is very strong.