Фармакоэкономика (May 2018)
Presepsin as a sepsis biomarker
The aim of this review is to analyze the usefulness of the diagnostic sepsis marker – presepsin.Materials and methods. A search for relevant publications on presepsin was conducted using the PubMed database of medical and biological publications and the eLIBRARY.com scientific electronic library. The review includes 42 Russian-language and English-language sources. Particular attention was paid to comparative studies on the role of presepsin and other bio-markers in the diagnosis of sepsis.Results. The conducted analysis brought about heterogeneous results. Presepsin was highly sensitive in detecting late neonatal sepsis, burn sepsis, and also reflected the efficacy of therapy in septic premature babies and severely burned patients. However, presepsin was not confirmed as a marker of the disease severity or a prognostic marker of neonatal sepsis. The measured levels of presepsin are significantly influenced by renal function; therefore, in patients with renal disease, other sepsis markers should be used or the normal presepsin levels should be adjusted to higher values. Most authors recommend using presepsin in a combination with other markers of sepsis. Considering that presepsin has a good potential of detecting early signs of sepsis and also of monitoring the effects of antimicrobial therapy, further careful studies on this marker are warranted.Conclusion. Based on the present review, more studies are needed to determine and compare the diagnostic accuracy of various sepsis markers (C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, presepsin).