Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (Feb 2019)
Impulsive Action and Impulsive Choice Are Differentially Associated With Gene Expression Variations of the GABAA Receptor Alfa 1 Subunit and the CB1 Receptor in the Lateral and Medial Orbitofrontal Cortices
The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is a key brain region for decision-making, action control and impulsivity. Quite notably, previous research has identified a double dissociation regarding the role of this cortical territory in impulsive choice. While medial orbitofrontal lesions increase preference for a large but delayed reward, lateral orbitofrontal lesions have the opposite effect. However, there are no data regarding this anatomical dissociation in impulsive action. The neurochemical basis of impulsivity is still being elucidated, however, in recent years a role for the endocannabinoids and the related glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmitter systems has been suggested. Here, we submitted male Wistar rats to a delay-discounting task (DDT) or a two-choice serial reaction time task (2-CSRTT) and classified them as high impulsive or low impulsive in either task using cluster analysis. We then examined the gene expression of several elements of the endocannabinoid system or different subunits of certain glutamatergic or GABAergic ionotropic receptors (AMPA, NMDA, or GABAA) in the lateral or medial divisions of their orbitofrontal cortices. Our results confirm, at the gene expression level, the dissociation in the participation of the medial, and lateral divisions of the orbitofrontal cortex in impulsivity. While in the 2-CSRTT (inhibitory control) we found that high impulsive animals exhibited lower gene expression levels of the α1 GABAA receptor subunit in the lateral OFC, no such differences were evident in the medial OFC. When we analyzed DDT performance, we found that high impulsive animals displayed lower levels of CB1 gene expression in the medial but not in the lateral OFC. We propose that GABAergic dynamics in the lateral OFC might contribute to the inhibitory control mechanisms that are altered in impulsive behavior while endocannabinoid receptor gene transcription in the medial OFC may subserve the delay-discounting processes that participate in certain types of impulsiveness.