Revista de Medicina e Investigación Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (Jul 2021)
Metabolic Syndrome, depression and patient safety culture in Mexican resident physicians
Background: Medical residence can affect the well-being and health of resident physicians (rp), which are directly related to the quality of medical care and patient safety. El objective was to identify the prevalence of me-tabolic syndrome (MetS), depressive symptoms, and evaluate the culture of patient safety in resident physicians.Methods: Cross-sectional analytical survey of 106 physicians residing in 13 medical specialties of a public hospital in Mexico. MetS was defined according to whocriteria and depressive symptoms using the cesd-r scale; the culture of patient safety was evaluated with the Spanish version of the Hospital Survey on Patient safety.Results: 53.7% had a combined prevalence of overweight/obesity and in-sulin resistance was found in 33%. 8.5% of rp had prediabetes and 2.5% diabetes. 23.6% of the sample presented two MetS components. The prevalence of MetS was 8.5% and depressive symptoms were found in 21.7% of rp. The evaluation of the culture of patient safety showed stren-gth in the dimensions of teamwork in the unit-service, organizational lear-ning-continuous improvement, expectations and actions of the direction and frequency of reported events, perception of patient safety culture was found in 8/10 rp