Future Human Image (Jul 2015)

Strategies, Goals and Objectives of Advanced Edcation in the Light of the Eschatological Expectations and Futuristic Projections

  • Igor Lantsev

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 2
pp. 149 – 163


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In this paper we consider the eschatological expectations and futuristic projections that define a strategy for the future of education. From the standpoint of dialectical and metaphysical methodology options considered futurological forecasts and practical solution of contemporary global problems. An important function of education for sustainable development is the modeling of the future on the basis of the system of the scientific model of the world. The basis of education are encouraged to put a harmonious combination of Eastern and Western educational traditions for the formation of the noosphere as a structural model, the probability of the future. We consider the cocrete goals and objectives of education for sustainable development.
