Acta Médica Costarricense (Jul 2001)
Úlceras Colónicas por TB e Histoplasmosis en un paciente portador de VIH/Sida
Se describe un paciente masculino de 35 años, costarricense, con un cuadro de trastornos intestinales inespecíficos, de 3 años de evolución, intensificados en el último mes previo a su internamiento, siendo diagnosticado con VIH y mediante colonoscopía se le diagnosticó una enfermedad inflamatoria colónica por tuberculosis e histoplasmosis intestinal, la cual resolvió en su totalidad luego de nueve meses de tratamiento antifímico y antifungico.A 35-year-old male with a 3 year history of of gastrointestinal symptoms, diagnosed as HIV with intestinal tuberculosis and histoplasmosis is described. Clinical, epidemiological and histological findings in this opportunistic infection are presented. The incidence of tubeculosis has increased since the mid 80´s, when the HIV infection started to reach pandemic proportions. Nowadays it is mandatory for clinicians to be aware of the wide spectrum of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. It is also important to bear in mind that histoplasmosis is the most common systemic fungal infection and it is acquiring greater proportions now that it is been related to HIV patients.