Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Juridice (Jun 2021)
Procesul penal în cauzele cu minori: reflecții de ordin istoric Criminal proceedings in juvenile: historical reflections
The problem of criminal proceedings in juvenile cases has been and continues to remain one of the most important in criminal procedure science. In the conditions of modernizing the criminal procedure legislation in force, the necessity to review many moments arises, considering the newly created situation in which criminal justice is achieved with a not negligible weight on the cases of adolescents. For a long time, the general issues of juvenile justice have been discussed in the literature. The controversies, not at all light, did not have a logical finality in the conditions of legal decrepitude, of an authoritarian regime, in which the emphasis was mainly on protecting the interests of the state to the detriment of the individual. However, in relation to a series of newer researches, the new normative acts were adopted with increased accuracy in dealing with problems, obviously considering the new relationships in society. Daily research shows that minors were and are kept in the spotlight of the legislature, especially today, in the context of new social relationships where their problem remains a pressing challenge. Of interest are the scientific papers, in which the problems of criminal proceedings in juvenile cases are examined in terms of studying the history of the problem, in terms of theories of juvenile justice from the perspective of contemporary conditions in relation to the rules and values of the society.