Studia Mythologica Slavica (Apr 2017)
Pogrebni običaji Bošnjaka u Mahali kod Breze - običajne prakse i vjerski propisi<br>Burial Practices of Bosniaks in Mahala Near Breza. Traditional Practices and Religious Laws</br>
Based on the material collected in 2002, the text explores burial practices of Bosniaks in Mahala. Its primary objective is to identify non-Islamic elements that are characteristic of the entire population of this area. The starting point of this study was the perception of informants that burial practices of Bosniaks are completely subordinate to religious regulations and recommendations, and exempt from any environmental influences. However, research confirmed the presence of several elements that are common to the entire population of the area under research, which indicates that the environment plays an extremely important role in the formation of cultural practices.