Química Nova (Apr 2007)
Influência do método de extração nos teores de metilxantinas em erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis a. St.-Hil., aquifoliaceae) Influence of the extraction methodology on the methylxanthines content of maté (Ilex paraguariensis a. St.-Hil., aquifoliaceae)
Ilex paraguariensis A. St. -Hil. is a native species of southern South America. The caffeine content in Ilex paraguariensis leaves has been considered an important quality parameter for maté-derived products. In this work different extraction methods for the determination of these methylxantines are compared. The influence of the extraction conditions on the methylxanthine yields was evaluated. Extraction by decoction with acidic aqueous solution (H2SO4 4N) presented the higher efficiency in the theobromine extraction. The extraction in a Soxhlet with acidic aqueous solution and decoction with acidic aqueous solution showed the highest caffeine yield. For the concomitant theobromine and caffeine quantification, the decoction with acidic aqueous solution is suggested.