Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat (May 2016)
Digitaalsete keeleressursside loomist ja kasutamist määrav õiguslik raamistik Eestis ja selle ühildumine CLARIN-i infrastruktuuriga
"Regulatory framework determining the development and utilization of digital language resources in Estonia and its compatibility with CLARIN infrastructure" The article focuses on legal issues relating to language resources. These issues are analyzed throughout the process of the creation of language resources and their subsequent distribution. Language resources can be defined as copyright protected databases, which are governed by two tiers of rights: 1) rights in material used to create the database and 2) rights in this database. The creation of language resources can be subject to two models: 1) the contract model and 2) the exception model. Both models have their advantages and disadvantages. The models are analyzed in the light of developments at the EU level. Before language resources can be distributed, it is necessary to transfer copyright covering resources to a partner of the Center of Estonian Language Resources. The rights are transferred within employment or contractually. For this purpose, CLARIN deposition license agreement templates have been developed. Before end users can access language resources they have to accept CLARIN Terms of Service. The scope of the article is not confined to the explanation of CLARIN agreement templates. The article also highlights the latest amendments to these templates.