Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports (Dec 2017)

Giant mesenteric teratoma in a 6 month-old

  • Ibrahim H. Alwakid,
  • Misheal Madni,
  • Rajendra K. Gupta,
  • Laila S. Seada,
  • Adel A. Alfayez,
  • Amjad T. A tallaa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27, no. C
pp. 56 – 60


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Objective: We report a case of mesenteric teratoma in a healthy 6 months old baby girl. The purpose of this report is to familiarize the pediatric surgery doctors with the characteristic appearance of this tumor, which is rare. Method: Case report and review of the English-language literature (using PubMed, Ovid, and Proquest databases). Results: Case of mesenteric teratoma occurred in an infant girl to be reported in the English-language literature. Conclusion: Mesenteric teratoma is an uncommon tumor that included all three embryonic layers. Although the presurgical diagnosis might be difficult in some cases, mesenteric teratoma must be kept in the differential of abdominal masses in children. The present case highlights the importance of considering mesenteric teratoma in the clinical and pathological differential diagnosis of intra-abdominal/retroperitoneal masses. Complete Surgical excision is almost always curative.
