Nuclear Fusion (Jan 2024)
Fast ion studies in the extended high-performance high βP plasma on EAST
Comprehending and optimizing fast ion behaviors is critical for the enhancement of performance in Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). This study explores the potential benefits of several factors that can improve the fast ion confinement. First, experiments show the change in the direction of the NBI2 from counter- I _p to co- I _p leads to a significant reduction in fast ion losses. TRANSP/NUBEAM simulation and tomography results based on fast-ion D-alpha measurements reveal that after the neutral beam injection (NBI) upgrade, the beam ion prompt loss is reduced by approximately 50%. Second, the upgraded ion cyclotron resonant frequency (ICRF) antenna at the N-port features twice the coupling resistance of the original antennas at EAST. This improved ICRF power coupling has enhanced the synergistic heating effect of NBI + ICRF, where the ICRF wave field accelerates beam ions at the harmonics. Experiments demonstrate that NBI + ICRF synergistic not only enhances plasma neutron yield and β _P , but also accelerates beam ions to hundreds of keV. Further, the electron density and the neutral beam voltage have been optimized to reduce the fast ion slowing-down time and beam ion losses. Experimental and simulation results indicate that increasing the electron density reduces beam ion losses and enhances the bootstrap current fraction. While higher beam voltage results in a slight decrease in beam power absorption, it can increase the fraction of bootstrap current. With the understanding of these optimization of fast ion confinement, experiments have demonstrated fully non-inductive operation at high density ( n _e / n _G ∼ 0.67, β _P ∼ 3.1, β _N ∼ 2.1, H _98,y2 ∼ 1.2) even without the support of co- I _p beam NBI2. This investigation presents a potential regime to enhance fast ion confinement and extend performance in the high β _P plasma for future experiments.