Case Reports in Dentistry (Jan 2017)

Radiographic Enlargement of Mandibular Canal as an Extranodal Primary Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Early Sign in an Asymptomatic Patient

  • Luciana Munhoz,
  • Felipe Pereira Marcos Marsan,
  • Emiko Saito Arita

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Vol. 2017


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Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) is a lymphoproliferative disorder, from a subgroup of heterogeneous hematologic malignancies; the term “extranodal” refers to malignant involvement of tissues other than lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, pharyngeal lymphatic ring, or thymus. Only 0.6% of all NHL are at mandible alone, and it may involve the inferior alveolar canal. We describe a case of bilateral enlargement of the mandibular canal without symptomatology, which was shown in a panoramic radiograph and cone beam computed tomography in a rehabilitation routine exam, as an early sign of primary extranodal NHL.