Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Физико-математические науки (Dec 2023)
Semiconductor-metal transition of gold nanotubes
Background. The relevance of studying the semi-conductor-metal transition of gold nanotubes is caused by the high rate of miniaturization of electronic devices. The purpose of the study is to understand at what length of the nanotube the transition from the semiconductor state to the metallic state occurs. Materials and methods. In the process of studying gold nanotubes of chiralities (6.0) and (7.0) within the Hubbard model in the approximation of static fluctuations, a transition was made to the nanotube model in order to be able to mathematically describe our nanoparticles within the framework of quantum field theory. An important role is played by the π-electron, which has transport properties. The task of the work is to construct energy spectra and study the dynamics of the change in the width of the bandgap energy. Results. According to the obtained equations of motion from the Hubbard model Hamiltonian, anticommutatory Green functions were obtained in the approximation of static fluctuations, energy spectra were constructed from them, from which the lid and bottom were found for the valence band and conduction band, respectively, according to which the width of the band gap of chirality nanotubes was determined (6.0) and (7,0). Conclusions. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that as the number of atoms in the golden nanotube of chiralities (6.0) and (7.0) increases, the width of the forbidden energy zone decreases down to zero, which in turn causes the transition from the semiconductor state to the metallic one. Examining the graphs of the dynamics of the distance between the lid and the bottom of the lower and upper Hubbard subzones, we can conclude that the oscillation of the conductor-metal-semiconductor-metal does not occur.