Phainomena (Jun 2020)
Die Mehrdeutigkeit der „formalen Anzeige“ im hindeutenden Blick auf Sein und Zeit
The Ambiguity of the “Formal Indication” with Regard to Being and Time - This interpretation of the problem of the formal indication in its various methodological and thematic directions, which predominantly addresses Heidegger research and understanding, is carried out on the basis of a precise differentiation of seven main shapes that try to clearly present their rich ambiguity without exhausting it. Since the formal indication plays a prominent role in the horizon of conceptual and theoretical formation of hermeneutic phenomenology, although it is not the subject of detailed elaboration and, therefore, not at the center of attention in Being and Time, it is advisable to unveil formal indications in the earlier texts, in order to throw a revealing glance at their subtle, but decisive significance in Being and Time, and the inter-connection with primary phenomena discussed therein.