Zbornik Radova Filozofskog Fakulteta u Prištini (Jan 2014)
The pseudo-scientific psychologyof the economic neo-liberalism
The aim of the paper is to call attention to logical, axiological, psychological and historical foundations of the problem of economic neo-liberalism. The question is how to achieve psychological comprehension of the historical developpement of the idea of scientific reductionism, the idea of 'common law' and rational utilitarism (Hobbes, Locke, Smith, Bentham), of rationalism (Kant) and socialism (Rousseau). In the second part of this analysis the aim is to show that the theory of mechanical simplification in the comprehension of human society is logically wrong theory and that this logically wrong theory is the premise of the social totalitarianism. Finally, the goal of our analysis (specially relevant for the Serbian society trapped today) is to show that the world of actual financial reductionism and economic neo-liberalism does not understand at all the real human nature.