Sport Mont (May 2015)
Primary aim of physical and health education and of this education and upbringing activity, among other things, is to secure favorable conditions for physical education as modern civilization value and a need, in order to advance quality and effectiveness of life, and for advancement of health level especially in the adolescent phase of life, and to create opportunities for involvement of pupils in various sports. Methods: This research has the goal to evaluate importance of taxonomy analysis in the selection of pupils in sports. This means involvement of a process of measurement of morphological and motoric indicators of 26 pupils involved in sport activities in the age group of 15 years in the elementary and lower level secondary school “Faik Konica” from Prishtina and 30 pupils of age group 15 years in the elementary and lower level school „Avdulla Tahiri“ from Malishevë. 6 anthropometric variables have been applied and 4 motoric variables (Kurelić et al., 1975). Anthropometric variables applied are: body height (ATV), length of foot (ADS), body mass (ATT), volume of upper arm in down position (AONL), volume of upper leg (AONK), volume of lower leg (AOPK). Motoric variables applied were: distance jump from standing position (MFESDM), running from 30 meter distance (MTR30V), bench bending (MFLPRK), and push-ups (MSKLEK). Results: Taxonomy analysis applied demonstrates that these groups of pupils has been divided in two groups, first group composed of 22 pupils and second group of 34 pupils. Results obtained in the table using Anova discriminative analysis have verified statistical significance of the difference between these groups. Discussion: Taxonomy analysis is used in order to group, namely classify sample of students on the basis of anthropometric and motoric parameters. Goal of this analysis was to create a homogenous sub sample on the basis of given sample, one that has as more as possible of a joint morphological and motoric parameters. Obtained results demonstrate that this research has resulted in two sub-groups of homogenous nature, the second group of 34 pupils’ shows to be a group with better anthropometric and motoric parameters for selection for football. Similar results when it comes to selection have been obtained in other researches (Goletić, et al. 2012). The other group of 22 pupils has lower anthropometric and motoric parameters.