Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (Oct 2011)

Extreme events and long-range correlations in space weather

  • A. S. Sharma,
  • T. Veeramani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 5
pp. 719 – 725


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Space weather is driven by the solar wind and many geospace storms and substorms are natural hazards with considerable societal impact. The dynamical and statistical features of these events are complicated because of the turbulent nature of their driver, the solar wind. Large-scale data sets of geospace storms and substorms are analysed for this study of the inherent statistical characteristics of extreme events in geospace. The detrended fluctuation analysis, based on the autocorrelation functions, is used and yields scaling behavior representing long-term correlations. The scaling function is represented by two exponents, arising due mainly to the presence of the largely coherent internal dynamics of the magnetosphere and the turbulent nature of the solar wind driver.