Интеграция образования (Mar 2022)
Trajectories of the Growing-Up in the Psychological Autobiography of Adolescent Secondary School Learners
Introduction. Currently, the key tasks of education are associated with successful socialization, the development of the personal maturity of the younger generation. At the same time, the socio-cultural transformations of modernity lead to a change in the ways and models of growing-up of schoolchildren. Despite the considerable interest of researchers in this problem, there are practically no works revealing the variable nature of the ways of growing-up of modern adolescents, reflected through their autobiographical ideas about the future. The purpose of the study is to identify the main structural and substantive characteristics of the trajectories of growing-up, reflected in the psychological autobiography of modern schoolchildren, and to determine their gender specificity. Materials and Methods. To look into the problem, an empirical study was conducted, in which 1 031 people took part – teenagers aged 12 to 17 years. Empirical data was collected by means of a modified version of the method “Psychological Autobiography” by E. Y. Korzhova. Mathematical and statistical analysis of the results was carried out by means of a one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation analysis using the Pearson linear correlation coefficient. Results. In general, the subjective time perspective of adolescents is characterized by a large time span, positive emotional coloring. Based on the results of correlation analysis, the main trajectories of growing-up of modern adolescents are determined. The gender specificity in the structural organization and the content of ideas about the future is revealed. For young men, the trajectories of growing-up associated with independence, a variety of impressions, material success, social recognition, creativity, entertainment, and the development of their inner world are more characteristic. Girls are focused on satisfaction with the process of life, communication, integration of spheres of life. Discussion and Conclusion. The conclusions made by the authors contribute to the development of modern scientific ideas about the variable and nonlinear character of building a life perspective in the younger generation. The results of the study can be used to build programs of psychological and pedagogical support of the processes of growing up and socialization in the conditions of modern society.