Právněhistorické studie (Mar 2021)
Trestný čin velezrady jako hlavní doklad existence „federal common law of crimes“. Americké federální soudnictví v prvých desetiletích nové státnosti
In this article the author deals with the problematics of the “federal common law of crimes” in the period since the foundation of the American statehood till the end of the 18th century whereas he claims that the existence of this law is illustrated especially by the negotiation of the crime of high treason on the federal courts. In this connection he deals firstly with the organization of the federal courts on which were these cases negotiated. Further part covers the concept of the crime of high treason in earlier English law because from this law exactly the American federal courts had to go out. The main part of the article is devoted to the depiction of the concrete judicial pleas related to high treason which were negotiated at that time. Finally, the author mentions some other crimes which may be put in the category of the “federal common law of crimes” as well.