Myxozoan infection in the muscle layer of the intestine of Rhamdia quelen from the Amazon River Basin, Brazil
ABSTRACT: The present study investigated the morphology and pathology associated with the occurrence of cysts caused by Myxobolus sp. in the intestine of the silver catfish Rhamdia quelen . Comparisons with the other Myxobolus species that infect the intestines of cyprinids and siluriforms revealed that the pyriform spores of Myxobolus sp. are similar in shape to those described previously in M. miyairii, M. duodenalis and M. cunhai, but different in size. Morphometric analyses revealed that mature spores of Myxobolus sp. (10.9 x 5.1μm) are smaller than those of most species except M. cunhai (10.0 x 5.0μm), which has been described infecting the Brazilian catfish Pimelodus clarias , although the spores differ morphologically in relation to the shape of the polar capsules. Further research is necessary in order to clarify the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships among these congeneric species.